What is The YOS Exam? YOS Exam Questions

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What Is The YOS Exam? YOS Exam Questions


The YÖS examination is the admission examination for foreign students (non-Turkish) who have a secondary education certificate wishing to enroll in Turkish universities.

In 1981, the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education stipulated that foreign students wishing to enroll in Turkish universities must take the exam called YÖS in order to be entitled to enter Turkish universities where the first course was conducted in 1981, under the supervision of the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education and continued under the supervision The Ministry until 2010 As for 2011, the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education decided to transfer the supervision of this exam to the Turkish universities themselves, so that each university organizes its own YÖS exam and determines the number of questions and time according to the will of the university itself.

In 2011, the first exam took place without the supervision of the Ministry, as the YÖS questions were no longer standardized for all universities, but there are many universities that accept the YÖS exam from other universities, others accept universities and do not accept other universities and a few universities that only accept the student She may take her exam.

The importance of the exam lies in the fact that many Turkish universities require the student to take the YÖS exam or the SAT exam so that he has the right to compete on a chair that has either the rest of the universities that are satisfied with the high school certificate only giving the student a priority, priority, and opportunity more than others in the event He submitted a certificate in one of the exams, based on the percentage of his high school grades and the degrees he got in the exam.

YÖS examination consists of three basic tests:

1- IQ Basic Skills Test

2- Algebraic Mathematics Test

3- Engineering Mathematics Test

Some universities may take a Turkish language test within the same examination, at which time the student will be exempt from the Turkish language test when registering at the university.

Some other universities may add to the exam subjects such as physics, chemistry, or the solution of dilemmas and problems .... etc. or so, and this is based on the desire of the organizing university for him, and the examination materials are included in the conditions or within the examination materials page on the exam site of the organized university for him.

All the curricula in the market follow the system of training the student on the solution as there is no specific curriculum, but there are specific materials and research that are included in the exam determined by the university organizing the exam.

Universities follow the automated questions system (multiple choice), and all questions on the correction scale have a common mark, but some universities delete the correct answer for every four questions answered incorrectly.

The language of the exam is Turkish and many universities evaluate the exam in other languages, such as English, Arabic, German or .... etc. The exam language is chosen during registration.

The difficulty of the examination lies according to many students who took it in the time constraint compared to the number of questions.

YÖS exam is recognized only in the Turkish Republic.

Registration on the YÖS exams extends from the first month to the fifth month, while the exams are held from the fourth month to the end of the sixth month of each year as each university sets its own date for registration and examination according to its organizational plan for university preferences.

The application centers are determined by the university and are spread in many regions inside and outside Turkey. The center is chosen during registration for the examination based on the student’s desire.

Registration fees vary from one university to another and range from $ 30 to $ 100 and payment is made by transferring the amount to the university's bank account or by credit card.

In some universities, a student has the right to choose the university for which he conducted the YÖS examination without submitting his high school diploma, but he cannot complete his university studies without bringing a document proving that he has completed high school.

Exam tips and advice from former students:

Try to shade the answer on the answer sheet as soon as the question is resolved because if you leave the shading to the end it will take you a long time of up to ten minutes and you may wrongly shade because of the speed in the shading.

Try to place a sign next to the question number that you were not able to solve on the answer sheet to be able to know the questions that you did not answer (faster than flipping between the question papers) and refer to them in case you have excess time after reaching the last question.

Do not try to solve the question more than once to ensure that you answer all the questions that you are good at solving and in case you have excess time after reaching the last question you can go back to the question and try again and in case you have more than one question you did not answer it do not try in each of them More than once again to ensure that as many questions as possible are resolved.

In the event that you have questions that you cannot answer, leave them without shading if the university follows a system of deleting a correct answer for every four wrong answers. Either if the university does not follow this system, then it is all shaded by the same option in order to obtain a higher mark in both cases.

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