Study in Turkey for the Arabs

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Study in Turkey for The Arabs

The most important motives of Arab students to study in Turkey

The student begins to draw his life from a young age, dreams of studying in the United States of America or even the United Kingdom, as well as receiving a promise from his father to send him to Germany to study medicine or engineering, all of these options are carved aside after the scientific renaissance that happened in the neighboring country the Republic of Turkey.

The student in the Arab world has been dazzled by the scientific renaissance in the last ten years in Turkey, in addition to many factors that made Turkey on the list of his priorities for study there, where the advantages of studying there went beyond the aspect of educational achievement only, so Turkey has many connections with Arabs that make the Arab student during his studies there as if Among his family.

The Arab student in Turkey feels the warmth of the feelings and feelings of the Turkish community, which connects him with the Arab world with a long history and the true religion, where the Turkish people take pride in their religion and special to it. They see Turkey far from the world of the Middle East
The Arabic feels comfortable and reassured, and he hears daily through thousands of mosques and five times a day. The call to prayer is in his Arabic language, while he hears the Turks speaking Arabic words that exceed 30% of the vocabulary inside the Turkish.

Turkey is the closest of any other country to the Arab peoples with its customs and traditions, and the social life in Turkey is dominated by the veteran oriental nature, as the entire Turkish people are a Muslim people and connects them with the countries of the Middle East with common historical ties that are still preserved, so the customs of this people and its traditions are close to the customs and traditions known in The Middle East is in various aspects of social life and family ties among its members so the culture of this people is largely inclined to the culture of the peoples of the Islamic Middle East region, and it is a friendly people who welcome the Arabs and treat them with the best treatment.

Turkey is the mix between our customs, customs, and acts of worship, and Europe with its economic and industrial progress, its democracy and its freedoms which we unfortunately miss in our countries.

Also, Turkey is experiencing political and economic stability, as it constitutes the sixth largest economic power at the level of Europe, and the sixteenth in the world.

And Turkey is an island surrounded by seas from every side that has wonderful tourist areas and beautiful beaches that millions of tourists from all over the world visit.


It is noteworthy that the Turkish government has worked to attract students through official grants and allocate seats for them in its universities, in addition to simplifying procedures for obtaining visas and residency, and has succeeded in attracting a large number of foreign students by focusing on opening the doors of study and scientific and cultural cooperation with many countries that More than 176 countries crossed the world.

The last decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of universities, as the number of universities in Turkey reaches more than 190 universities throughout the Republic, and it is scheduled to reach 500 universities by the year 2023 according to the vision of the Higher Education Council.

Official statistics show that the number of university students in Turkey is 4 million, among them more than 50 thousand foreign students, and the number of foreign students coming to Turkey doubles with the beginning of each new school year.

As for the language of instruction, most public universities are taught in Turkish. However, many universities, among them, teach specific majors in the English language, while private universities, most of them study in English.

Quality of Education

Turkish universities have ranked higher in the rankings of international universities, as six Turkish universities were chosen from the list of the top 500 universities in the world, which are “Technical Middle East University, Aegean University, Hajjah Tibb University, University of Ghazi, University of Ankara, University of Istanbul”.

Turkish universities work in partnership with European and American universities in the curriculum systems, activities, skills, abilities and exams, as well as benefiting from Turkish scientific experiences migrating or working abroad in building universities and preparing quality programs in them.

The most important factor in the success of the Turkish model in education is the contribution of the charitable endowment and charitable bodies and institutions in support of the educational process, as it worked on building schools and universities and providing scholarships.

The charitable endowment established student residences and private schools that teach foreign languages, in addition to supporting scientific research, scientists involved in scientific activities and organizing scientific seminars and conferences inside and outside Turkey to contribute to creating a real scientific environment.

The advantages of studying in Turkey are many. Their university certificates are internationally recognized, in addition to that they are modern university cities and contain unique capabilities from advanced libraries and laboratories where you can conduct research and study in them to reach various aspects of information.

You will also enjoy being a student in Turkey through sports and cultural facilities and clubs, and you will learn about different cultures, as Turkey is a mixture of the cultures of the West and the East, thanks to its geographical location on the continents of Asia and Europe, and the punishment of many civilizations over them.

Perhaps security and stability are among the most important factors in the study's regularity, as Turkey is a safe and stable country. Turkey also welcomes young people through its young people, as 31 percent of its population ranges between the ages of 12-24 and the Turkish people are a hospitable people that draws this advantage from its ancient traditions.

Students who want to study in Turkey must know the system of registration and admission within Turkish universities, as it does not depend on academic achievement in high school only, but there is a capacity test determined by each college according to its nature and specializations, and each student must pass these tests in order to be accepted in the specialized college.

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