The idea of establishing the GH Group for Educational and Research Services, or as initially named Cham's Office for University Services, did not come from premeditation, design, thought, planning, or even academics. As created the idea and the particular difficulty generated the idea, a quick movement to secure the admission of dozens of Syrians displaced at a time when all universities closed the doors of acceptance and the movement of the faster all the difficulties that almost caused the return of hundreds of students of the Masters and Ph.D. to their country after several months moving from here to there for university admission.
GH was the birthplace of a new approach in the educational policy aimed at foreign students. In order to ensure that Turkey is one of the most important centers for foreign students, it started as a small office, but in a steady and confident step, some universities convinced their view which has caused some qualitative changes in some of the educational laws in Turkey. The most important of which is to dispense some of the powers in favor of the universities and give them the freedom to set some conditions or dispense with them and the principle that we live in a small cosmopolitan village. Some of the barriers are beginning to offer graduate and doctoral students and for the first time in the history of modern Turkey the opportunity to teach in Arabic, especially in the fields of humanity and so the accredited universities contract began.
With the GH Group and provides special facilities for the group in terms of admission, registration and securing the requirements of study at the bachelor's level and in the master's and doctoral degrees.
We began to think and plan carefully to lay the solid foundation for the tasks of the group to carry out an integrated work program. The activities include holding conferences and seminars and the establishment of exhibitions to facilitate communication between scientific and educational institutions and development in Turkey and countries.
Arabic, African and Asian, in addition to communication with international bodies and organizations, specialized in education, participation, and assistance in the establishment of universities in Turkey and Arab and foreign countries.
To achieve excellence and leadership locally, regionally, and internationally.
To provide distinguished educational services that contribute to the development of the educational process to cope with the developments of the accelerated era through the outputs of education in line with the needs of their communities and bridging the gap between the universities at the regional and international levels.
1. GH International Educational Services seek to contribute to the quality of education in Turkish, Arab, African, and Asian universities.
2. Contribute to the development of students' knowledge, skills, and creativity.
3. GH Group seeks through the window of educational services and consultations to create an exchange of educational experiences between foreign universities, working with them, and universities in Turkey. In order to secure educational opportunities.
4. To seek educational opportunities and scholarships for the first and the best in Arab, African, and Asian countries.
5. Open horizons and facilities in the field of scientific research and the preparation of research related to the scientific advancement of faculty members in Arab, African, and Asian universities at the Turkish universities.
6. Encouraging joint scientific research among researchers and faculty members in Turkish, Arab, African and Asian universities.
7. Preparation of research and strategic studies related to the educational process through the Center for Strategic Studies of the group GH.
8. Holding scientific conferences that discuss the strategic issues of interest to the Turkish nation and the Arab and Islamic nation.
9. Dissemination of research and studies through the scientific journal of the group JH for the service of scientific research and development and serve faculty members and researchers in Turkish, Arab, African, and Asian universities.
10. Establishment of international scientific exhibitions to contribute to the dissemination of science and knowledge.
11. Provide short and medium-term training programs to meet growing training needs in different sectors in Turkey, Arab, African and Asian countries.
GH International has consistently promoted educational tourism in Turkey, increased Turkey's share of the global educational tourism market and disseminated Turkish and Turkish culture in the countries with which it cooperates academically, commercially and tourism with professional work in the field of educational tourism, competition in quality and university fees worldwide.
In the past two years, GE has provided 3650 students with bachelor's degrees and 4450 master's and doctoral students by providing facilities to foreign students that enable them to attain the best conditions. The office follows up with its students and finds appropriate solutions to the problems facing them. Follow them to study.
GH International operates through its team in Ankara, in addition to its branch offices in all the Turkish states and its offices around the world. Based on the valuable opinions that we are grateful to, the senior professors spread in the Arab countries and Turkey within the framework of the advisory body of the group. To complete the image of the group as an academic educational organization that puts all its potential in the service of science and its students and scientists in the framework of the small cosmic village
The group is also working on developing an integrated work program that includes holding conferences, seminars, and exhibitions to facilitate communication between scientific, educational and development institutions in Turkey and friendly countries, in addition to communication with specialized international bodies and organizations.
As well as networking and linking the network of Turkish universities, government, and private and the GH Group.