Living in Turkey

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Living in Turkey

Coming to Turkey usually searches for many details about the cost of living in Turkey and other living affairs in the country, especially students who want to study in Turkey, so the researcher is tired of the many questions that he must ask and the many doors that he has to ask to inquire and consult and ask: I want to live in Turkey, Who gives me details about the average living in the country? And it is our duty in the GH Group, and based on our work in services and consulting, we would like to publish a set of information about living in Turkey that is of interest to any visitor, tourist or resident.

The Cost of Housing in Turkey
The population in Turkey is very large in addition to foreigners, making the tendency for people to reside, foreigners usually tend to reside in apartments in Turkey, especially in residential complexes with distinct services, real estate prices in Turkey vary according to the state or neighborhood, depending on the location of the house and its proximity to vital centers or area The house, the number of rooms in addition to other features, and Istanbul apartments are the most expensive and rental.

In terms of rents, they differ depending on the nature of the apartment, whether furnished or unfurnished, in addition to the previous features that we talked about, in addition to that, homeowners usually require insurance from the tenant, which is usually about two months' fare, and is recovered upon the evacuation of the house in order to ensure the delivery of the house in a way Slim and without damage. The tenant also usually pays the costs of insuring electricity, water, and gas, and recovers it upon handing over the house, as well as when buying a house in Turkey the homeowner must pay insurance for these services.

We can say that the average rental value of any property with an area of ​​100 square meters amounts to 700 to 1,000 Turkish liras, but it is an average value and there are many real estate options available cheaper or more valuable according to the property location and the importance of his area and vitality, not to mention the type of rent "furnished or Not furnished

Billing costs in Turkey
Foreigners, like all Turkish residents and others, pay their housing bills, which are summed up in electricity, water, gas, and internet bills.

Electricity bill in Turkey
Average bills are usually between 75 to 150 TL for normal use, you may see some increase in the winter due to the use of electric heaters, and the value of one-time electricity insurance is paid and the value does not usually exceed 130 TL and is recovered after the apartment is vacated.

Turkey water bill

Its costs are also close to electricity and sometimes a little lower, for normal consumption, the bill may range between 60 and 100 TL, as well as the value of one-time water insurance and refund after vacating the apartment, and usually does not exceed 130 TL.

Gas bill in Turkey
It has many uses, for heating the house and for heating water for bathing, as well as for cooking, and what distinguishes is that the gas bills vary greatly in use, it may be 50 TL per month, and maybe 400 TL and the insurance of gas is relatively high and may reach 350 Lira is paid once, and is refunded upon the evacuation of the apartment.

You are not obligated to open the gas and it is considered an additional service that is not essential and can be satisfied with electricity services for heating and heating water, and domestic gas for cooking.

Household gas cylinders, the average price is about 80 TL and enough for two months for an average family.

Internet bill in Turkey
Not expensive, and bills range between 35 and 70 TL on average, and the carrier, line type, and connection speed vary.

The cost of teaching the Turkish language
It is indispensable when you are in Turkey to learn the language of this country, even if your work is not related to the Turkish language, but it binds you in your daily life, your transportation, buying, selling and regular transactions, and many educational institutions and centers in the Turkish language are available in Turkey, and they have different prices depending on the city Or the center and the services provided by these centers. And the value and cost of learning also varies depending on the level the learner wants to reach and the certificate that it needs, as single-level prices start from approximately $ 200. There are also free Turkish language institutes, such as ismek (ISMC).

It is reported that many of the Arabic and Turkish vocabularies are similar, which makes it easier for Arabs to learn, and many of the rules of the Turkish language are easy to learn, and many details of the Turkish language can be learned online.

The cost of transportation and transport in Turkey

There are many ways to travel in Turkey, including metro, tramway, meter, bus “in Istanbul”, buses, dalamsh, in addition to private cars, “Taksi taxi”.

There are centers in each Turkish city to obtain transportation cards, the price of the card is 7 Turkish liras, which is approximately 1.1 US dollars, and the transportation price inside the bus as an average is about 3 Turkish liras, "there is less and there is more", which is approximately half a dollar, there are also Discounts on student, elderly and teacher cards. Also, when riding on more than one means of transportation more than once during a period of fewer than two hours, you get discounts on the second, third, and fourth time.

There is also a prepaid blue card valued at about 215 Turkish liras (about $ 35 USD) that you can move around at low prices, as the card owner owns 180 points, one point is spent per ride in buses, metro and tramway, and two points when riding in a meter and bus, and the card must be filled Every month once. Turkey also has many means of land, sea and air transport between many of its states, and is characterized by its abundance and capacity, in addition to its cleanliness and various services.

There are many trains in Turkey, including electric ones, as it owns three domestic air transport companies and has more than 50 domestic airports, but road transport remains the lowest cost and the distance traveled plays the most prominent role in determining the cost of travel. For private and taxi fares, they are sometimes more expensive and expensive and also depend on the distance traveled.

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