How Do I Start Studying in Turkey

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How Do I Start Studying In Turkey

We will start with you dear with some information about Turkey and its educational system and we will quickly mention some of the reasons why Turkey is a suitable place to study.

1- The university education system in Turkey is one of the oldest education systems in the world.

2- The great growth of universities in Turkey at a rapid pace to compete with many European universities.

3- The facilities provided by private universities for foreign students and their care.


10 Reasons to Study in Turkey

  1. The university education system in Turkey is one of the oldest education systems in the world.

  2. It is a lot for the big universities in Turkey to grow at a rapid pace for the number of universities European.

  3. Facilities provided by private universities for international students and their care.

  4. Availability of job opportunities after graduation and expansion of the Turkish market.

  5. The possibility of studying in English or Turkish as per the request of the student.

  6. Scientific progress in Turkey and cooperation with many countries in the field of scientific research.

  7. Political and economic stability, which is a magnet for many students in Middle East

  8. Turkey contains more than 190 public and private universities with integrated personnel.

  9. Existence of a plan and goal to bring the number of universities to 500 by the year 2023.

  10. Turkey is a safe and comfortable country and the best place for female students to study and live comfortably.

Excellent, I got an idea of ​​the main reasons for choosing to study in Turkey. What's next?

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